Thursday, October 30, 2014

“Who’s your daddy?”

As we’ve starting through the first 3 Steps of Celebrate Recovery, I’ve noted the frequent significance of The Father, in recovery. Who He is, where He fits, what He can do… Does He care?

A key factor in our victory over our Hurts, Habits, and Hang-ups can be who we see the Father as. Not only that but WHO the Father is…  God, or the impression I have of my biological Dad overlaid onto God.

Understanding WHO God is, who HE says He is, and what He desires for our lives has such an impact on our Relationship, our Trust, our Faith in our Creator – not the helps or hurts caused by our Dads.

This devotional lesson come from a Prayer Request we received at SLP CR back in August. “I really want to understand who God is as a Father and not confuse Him with bad memories of my real father.”

Since that time, we heard Testimonies, lessons, and sometimes just plain conversations about the impact of The Father and our fathers… I pray that this helps your see the difference between the features & flaws of the creation - Dad, and the Power, Majesty, & Love of your heavenly Father


*** As with our Fearless Moral inventory (Step 4), we must keep a balanced view of Man, as God created us with Free Will.
Each of us has the choice to come close to God, or seek relationship and satisfaction in our own ways (which brings many of us here tonight). God’s intention for Man, and Man’s choice can sometimes be 2 different things – a choice that Satan will exploit to destroy man and family, any time he can.

This is intended as a brief, balanced biblical view of who God created our fathers to be and who they can chose to be.  THEN, who HE is...

Ask Him to reveal His desire for your relationship with Him, as you read these verses.

The creation and the Creator – aka “Who’s your daddy?”

*God created Man for relationship with Him – who is MAN…

Genesis 1:26

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth…

31 God saw all that he had made,i and it was very good.j And there was evening, and there was morningk—the sixth day.

Genesis 2:7

Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Genesis 5:2

He created them male and female, and He blessed them and named them Man in the day when they were created.
*God created Man for relationship with Him – God gave Man Free will, to choose …

Genesis 3:7-11 
 “She also gave some to her husband,l who was with her, and he ate it.m Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked;n…8Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walkingp in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hidq from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”r 10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraids because I was naked;t so I hid.” 11 And he said, “Who told you that you were naked?u Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to?”


*Disobedience, Shame, Guilt, … Sin came by Man’s choice.  As did the consequences…


Genesis 3;22-23 
 22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us,r knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of lifes and eat, and live forever.” 23 So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Edent to work the groundu from which he had been taken.

This is not a one time thing…We Are All Sinners…

  • Isaiah 64:6 We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind.
  • Psalm 58:3 - The wicked are estranged from the womb;
  • Ephesians 2:3 - among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.
    ·  Romans 3:23  For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.

*But God’s plan wasn’t done there… he has a long term plan…
Psalms 119:73

Your hands made me and fashioned me; Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments

Psalms 138:8

 The LORD will accomplish what concerns me; Your loving kindness, O LORD, is everlasting; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.

Isaiah 17:7
(in reference to the disobedience of His People in Damascus, God Sent Isaiah to warn them)  In that day man will have regard for his Maker And his eyes will look to the Holy One of Israel

John 3:16:
16 For God so lovedw the world that he gavex his one and only Son,y that whoever believesz in him shall not perish but have eternal life.a 17 For God did not send his Son into the worldb to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.c

So that’s who God says MAN is – He’s a boyfriend, a brother, a husband, a father, a grandfather – or he can be anyone of us…”Male & female, He created them”

Who does God say HE is…
(this comes from a reading we did at our Church, last Christmas, I apologize, I do not know who the author is)
 In Genesis, He is the Creator God.
In Exodus, He is the Redeemer.
In Leviticus, He is your Sanctifier.
In Numbers, He is your Guide.
In Deuteronomy, He is your Teacher.
In Joshua, He is the Mighty Conqueror.
In Judges, He gives victory over enemies.
 In Ruth, He is your Kinsman, your Lover, and your Redeemer.
In I Samuel, He is the Root of Jesse;
In 2 Samuel, He is the Son of David.
In 1ST and 2nd Kings, He is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.
In 1st and 2nd Chronicles, He is your Intercessor, and High Priest.
In Ezra, He is your temple, your house of worship.
In Nehemiah, He is your mighty wall, protecting you from your enemies.
In Esther, He stands in the gap to deliver you from your enemies.
In Job, He is the Arbitrator who not only understands your struggles, but has the power to do something about them.
In Psalms, He is your Song - and your reason to sing.
In Proverbs, He is your wisdom, helping you make sense of life and live it successfully.
In Ecclesiastes, He is your purpose, delivering you from vanity.
In the Song of Solomon, He is your Lover, your Rose of Sharon.
In Isaiah, He is the Mighty Counselor, the Prince of Peace, the Everlasting Father. In short, He's everything you need.
In Jeremiah, He is your Balm in Gilead, the soothing salve for your sin-sick soul.
In Lamentations, He is the ever-faithful One upon Whom you can depend.
In Ezekiel, He is your Wheel in the middle of a wheel --the One who assures that dry, dead bones will come alive again.
In Daniel, He is the Ancient of Days, the everlasting God who never runs out of time.
In Hosea, He is your Faithful Lover, always beckoning you to come back - when you have abandoned Him.
In Joel, He is your Refuge, keeping you safe in times of trouble.
In Amos, He is the Husbandman, the One you can depend on to stay by your side.
In Obadiah, He is Lord of the Kingdom.
In Jonah, He is your Salvation, bringing you back within His will.
In Micah, He is Judge of the nation.
In Nahum, He is the jealous God.
In Habakkuk, He is the Holy One.
In Zephaniah, He is the Witness.
In Haggai, He overthrows the enemies.
In Zechariah, He is Lord of Hosts.
In Malachi, He is Merciful.
In Matthew, He is King of the Jews.
In Mark, He is the Servant.
In Luke, He is the Son of Man, feeling what you feel.
In John, He is the Son of God.
In Acts, He is the Savior of the world.
In Romans, He is the righteousness of God.
In I Corinthians, He is the Rock that followed Israel.
In II Corinthians, He is the Triumphant One, giving victory.
In Galatians, He is your liberty; He sets you free.
In Ephesians, He is Head of the Church.
In Philippians, He is your joy.
In Colossians, He is your completeness.
In 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, He is your hope.
In I Timothy, He is your faith.
In II Timothy, He is your stability.
In Philemon, He is your Benefactor.
In Titus, He is truth.
In Hebrews, He is your perfection.
In James, he is the Power behind your faith.
In I Peter, He is your example.
In II Peter, He is your purity.
In I John, He is your life.
In II John, He is your pattern.
In III John, He is your motivation.
In Jude, He is the foundation of your faith.
In Revelation, He is your coming King.